
While we have facilities and support systems all around Sheridan, our primary office is located in a room addressed as C153. Location, hours, offerings... learn all about it on this very page!


Located within Oakville

Our main office is located within the Oakville campus of Sheridan, aka the "Trafalgar" Campus


At the "Trafalgar" Campus:

Trafalgar Campus Map C153.png

Our office is room C153, and is found adjacent to the Learning Commons


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Closed: Saturday, Sunday, Statutory Holidays


Drop-In Support

You are always to visit us without an appointment. Due to our need to support various Mac-featured classrooms across the college, and to accommodate a lunch break, the best windows for a drop-in are as follows:

10AM - 12PM

2PM - 5PM

We generally suggest opting for the earlier time slot if the issue or task is one that may take a while to address, eg Bootcamp Installation or hardware repairs. We will still of course look at anything brought to us in the afternoon time slot, but you may have to leave the device with us overnight to allow enough time to get the work done.


"What about HMC?"

If your course schedule has you at the HMC campus, please know that we do in fact have a Mac Tech at that location, for your convenience. Please contact Rob Bailey to make arrangements.


After-Hours Support

If you have any issue that cannot wait for a drop-in during our office hours, please contact us directly by emailing mactech@sheridancollege.ca and we will do our best to respond ASAP. Always be sure to provide as much information as possible:

  • Your full name (as it appears in Access Sheridan)
  • Your Sheridan username
  • Your Sheridan email address
  • If you so choose: a phone number that we can reach you at
  • Any details that you can think of pertaining to the issue you're having - eg. as the time that it occurred, pictures or screenshots of the issue, what software your Mac was running at the time (if relevant).


Service Offerings

We offer a very wide range of support for your Apple devices. Here are some examples of the services that we provide:

* no guarantees, but we try our best!