Booting to Mac "and" Windows


To gain the ability to boot Windows at the same time as your Mac operating system,
you will need a virtualization solution. This will allow you to launch Windows within macOS.


Tread Carefully...

warning.jpgBooting to one OS (ie. the traditional experience) is your best option when your need for Windows involves anything resource-intensive (eg. Solidworks). Virtualization solutions effectively require your Mac to run 2 full operating systems simultaneously, and that's not good math when it comes to performance needs!


Virtualization Software Options

The two main titles on the market are Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion. We highly suggest that you make a point of investigating whether virtualization is the right choice for your Windows-based needs. Learn about each offering at the following links:

Parallels Desktop for Mac

VMware Fusion for Mac


Related Links



If you have any issue with any of the requirements or instructions above,
please contact us directly by emailing